

Bilateral Talks

Participants 123
Meetings 119

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B2B@SASOfair 2013 matchmaking event

Friday, October 25, 2013, during international SASO fair in Split, Croatia

* Download Practical guide


Are you looking for a future project partner?
Check profiles of already registered participants,
register and book a meeting!

Do you have a question about the protection of intellectual property and project funding options?

Register, book a meeting and get your answers from State Intellectual property office, Business innovation Croatian agency and Technology Transfer Office of University of Split!

Participation at the brokerage event is free of charge including free entrance to the SASO fair.

In pre-scheduled 15-minutes meetings exchange experience and meet new potential partners to develop future commercial, technological and research partnerships.

* Download Invitation in English or Croatian.

TTAdria project is funded by the European Union through IPA IIIc Programme.
Enterprise Europe Network is funded by the European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry via the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP).

Media partners

Enterprise Europe Network

  • een_98824.jpg

Main Organiser

  • utt.jpg


  • hgk.jpg
  • bicronovi.png

Foreign partners

  • Russian_union_of_ITC1.jpg
  • IHK_Erfurt_aktuell_Logo_small.png
  • MIZ_Logo_Small60.png
  • VTK_LOGO_BHS.png
  • pbkik.jpg
  • SOPK_logo_eng.png

Supported by

  • unist.jpg
  • sdc.jpg
  • ttadria_grey_en.png


  • splitmap.jpg
  • Split, Croatia

  • split.jpg