

Bilateral Talks

Participants 123
Meetings 119

Profile views

Before Event 6112
After Event 334279
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What is a brokerage/matchmaking event?

Business matchmaking is a highly focused form of B2B networking that has become a valuable and integral part of many business conferences. In as little as 20 minutes, entrepreneurs and business professionals can identify and launch potentially rewarding B2B cooperation and business partnerships. B2B matchmaking is a fast and easy way to introduce your business to both potential partners and new markets.

The brokerage event aims at initiating business and technology co-operations such as sales and distribution, license agreements, joint ventures, commercial agreements with technical assistance – or European research projects by offering pre-arranged bilateral company meetings.

Effective B2B matchmaking consists of four simple steps:



Fill out the B2B@SASOfair 2013 online matchmaking form and create your business profile. Your online profile will introduce you and your company to potential business partners, explain the products and services that you offer, and describe what you are looking for in future cooperation partners or partnerships.

Profile Visibility and Promotion

Once your company's profile is complete it will be visible to all B2B@SASOfair 2013 participants while the event organizer will promote it  through all available channels.

Scheduling Appointments

Scheduling bilateral matchmaking meetings is easy. In just a few minutes you can enter the search criteria that meet your business needs and identify potential partners from the list of all participants.

Send meeting requests to potential partners based on your schedule and arrange a mutually convenient meeting based on shared interests. Be prepared to respond to potential partners who are interested in what your company offers.

A few days before B2B@SASOfair 2013 we will email your personal meeting schedule with the names of your matchmaking meeting partners and other details. 

Matchmaking Meetings

At B2B@SASOfair 2013 you will receive your updated matchmaking schedule. Your chronological meeting schedule will list meeting times, the name(s) of your conversation partner(s), and the meeting locations (table numbers).

Benefits of participation at brokerage event

- Identify new potential partners before the registration to ensure efficiency and promising discussions,
- Maximize number of new contacts through pre-scheduled one-to-one meetings,
- Meet new potential partners to develop future commercial, technological and research partnerships,
- Receive assistance from Enterprise Europe Network staff during the event,
- Free entrance to the SASO fair allowing visiting all stands during the event day,
- Participation at the brokerage event is free of charge.

Need help?

If you need help in any of these steps please contact us or EEN representative in your country.

Enterprise Europe Network

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Main Organiser

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Foreign partners

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Supported by

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  • Split, Croatia

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