Tomislav Radić , Director assistant at Institute for Adriatic Crops and Karst Reclamation
http://krs.hr/Bilateral Meetings
- 25.10.2013 Friday (13:00 pm - 14:40 pm)
The Institute is a public research institute, under auspices of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia, specialized in the development of the Mediterranean agriculture and forestry.
Research groups:
- Viticulture and enology (conservation, identification, characterization and improvement in the breeding of autochthonous cultivars of grapevine maintained in an ex-situ collection; quality control of wine and other grape products in accredited Enology Laboratory-EN ISO/IEC 17025; an experimental winery with the most modern methods conducted in the wine-making process).
- Fruit and Olive (preservation of genetic resources and the introduction of new technologies for the improvement of existing types of olives, cherries, the sour cherry Maraska, citrus and figs; collection and experimental plantations of domestic and introduced genotypes)
- Vegetables (application and improvement of modern technologies in production of vegetables in the field and greenhouses/glasshouses; influence of abiotic (water, salt, temperature) and biotic stress factors (whiteflies, aphids, viruses) on the morphological and physiological changes in plants, and the consequent yield and quality of crops; collection and conservation of valuable autochthonous species, such as the kale, as well as in the introduction of new vegetable species and cultivars)
- Processing of Fruits and Vegetables (chemical and physical analyses of Mediterranean crops, the determination of the quality of olive oil, table olives quality and the technological properties of autochthonous olive cultivars; special attention is paid to virgin olive oils made from autochthonous cultivars as well as sensory analyses of olive oil)
- Plant Physiology (particular interests of plant physiology scientists are pollination and fertilization processes that regulate final fruit set and yield of fruit species, specially olives and cherries)
- Aromatic and Medicinal Plants (diversity of natural populations of medicinal and aromatic plants is analyzed at morphological, biochemical and molecular-genetic levels for the purpose of preserving plant genetic resources, and for use in programs for plant selection and cultivation)
- Soil Microbiology (study of biodiversity and abundance of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in Dalmatian vineyards has been recently initiated)
- Soil Research and Plant Nutrition (production of digital soil maps and different specified-purpose maps conducted with GIS, GPS and Remote sensing technologies; physical and chemical analysis of soil samples, plant material, water and nutrient solution; diagnosis and improvement of plant nutrition in both open and protected areas)
- Plant Protection (harmful and beneficial entomofauna of fruit and vegetable cultures, particularly related to olive pests ecology; study of two most economically important whitefly species Trialeurodes vaporariorum and Bemisia tabaci-their molecular background, bacterial endosymbionts, begomoviruses monitoring, pesticide resistance and control measures)
- Mediterranean forestry (impact of forest vegetation on karst protection from soil erosion; management of karst forests for cattle; protection and improvement of biomass production in the role of multifunctional functions of forest; choice of forest species and methods for karst afforestastion; the impact of grazing and browsing of goats on devastation of forest vegetation and soil degradation on karst; the research of biomass on forest ecosystems on Mediterranean karst area)
Country: Croatia
Organization Type: Research group
Phone: 00385 21 434 469
Email: tomislav.radic@krs.hr
City: Split 21000,Put Duilova 11 Google map