Country: Germany
Organization Type: Company
Phone: +49 361 - 34 51 588
City: Weimar D-99425,Braugasse 1 Google map
Areas of Activities
Renewable Energy
Civil Construction
Research and Development
Innovative autarkic dry lavatory system allowing nutrients and mineral recovery
We have developed and patented an innovative dry lavatory system consisting of a toilet seat and a tank which allow the separate capture and storage of feces and urine. With this system large amounts of clean (drinking) water for rinsing and large quantities of waste water that need to be treated can be saved. Minerals and nutrition can be recovered with little effort and further utilised as fertiliser or energy resource. The company is interested in licensing or commercial agreement with technical assistance.
In addition the company is very interested in joint developments and projects aiming at decentralized solutions / applications for dry separating lavatory systems as well as decentralized water supply and sanitary solutions in rural and peripheral regions of cities.
The complete sanitary system includes a modern toilet seat designed for feces separation, which is built onto a floor plate. The storage tank is positioned below with a partitioning for separated fecal and urine storage. For outdoor locations a single cabin or a whole toilet site can be installed. The system is also suitable for integration into new or existing living or leisure buildings and public infrastructure.
Innovations and advantages of the offer
• No waste of clean (drinking) water
• No waste water (storage, transport and treatment)
• Waste to resource
• No chemicals
• Easy maintenance
• No odors
• Easy conventional waste collection / removal
• Easy installation
- Technical co-operation
- License agreement
- Sales / Distribution
- Technical co-operation
- Sales / Distribution