Bilateral Meetings
- 25.10.2013 Friday (10:30 am - 11:50 am)
- 25.10.2013 Friday (13:00 pm - 14:40 pm)

Country: Croatia
Organization Type: Company
Phone: ++385917885467
City: Split 21000,A.B.šimića 9 Google map
Areas of Activities
Civil Construction
Wood and Metal Industry
Research and Development
Limeni paneli i polikarbonati
Tražimo kupce za poznate svjetske proizvođače:
- METECNO, svjetski lider u proizvodnji limenih panela s proizvodnjom na više kontinenata,
- POLITEC, poznati švicarski proizvođač polikarbonatnih proizvoda za pokrove i pregrade (debljina od 1 do 40 mm).
- Technical co-operation
- Sales / Distribution
- Other
New generation of water disinfection
We are looking for clients/distributors of a new generation of disinfection products for everyday use and as replacement instead of chlorine in drinking water and swimming pools, completely non-agresive, ecological.
Also with these products is possible to improve/recovery city dumps.
- Other
- Sales / Distribution
- Investment/Financing
Used tires disposal plant
We are looking for partners/clients for used tires disposal plant based on new technology (improved pirolisy process) that decompose tires in raw materials and energy; process is completely self-sustainable with posibility to improve profits with graphitization of obtained carbon raw materials,
- Sales / Distribution
- Manufacturing agreement
- License agreement
- Other
- Investment/Financing