Tanja Šarić , director at VA-TA Metalik d.o.o.
Bilateral Meetings
- 25.10.2013 Friday (13:00 pm - 14:40 pm)
Our company established in 1997 and our main activity is production of steel, stainless steel and aluminum products, such as various steel structures, marquees, wrought iron and stainless steel fences, handrails, catchment grid, out waste basket, various carriers, windows and sliding doors made of aluminum, etc.
In addition we are investing in real estate, and are currently looking for buyers or partners for further investment. We own two building lots at approximately 2200 m2 for the construction of two concrete halls of 500 m2 with the current buiding permits in manufacturing zone of Kastav, near the Rijeka harbour and border crossing with Slovenia,
and building land at 7000 m2 in manufacturing zone in Ogulin. We also offer building land for housing and social construction, and already finished apartments around citi of Rijeka.
Firma VA-TA Metalik d.o.o. osnovana je 1997., a glavna djelatnost nam je izrada proizvoda od čelika, inoxa i aluminija. Po mjeri izrađujemo razne elemente, a najviše čelične konstrukcije, nadstrešnice, ograde od kovanog željeza i inoxa, rukohvate, slivne rešetke, vanjske košare za smeće, razne nosače, te prozore, vrata i klizne stijene od aluminija. Stekli smo veliko iskustvo baveći se ovim poslom duži niz godina, a ostvarili smo suradnju sa većim firmama u županiji.
Osim izrade građevinske bravarije, bavimo se ulaganjem u nekretnine, te trenutno tražimo kupce ili partnere za daljnje ulaganje. Posjedujemo dvije građevinske parcele po cca 2200 m2 za izgradnju dviju betonskih hala od 500 m2 sa važećim građ. dozvolama u RZ Žegoti u Kastvu, u blizini riječke luke i graničnih prijelaza sa Slovenijom, te građevinsku parcelu u RZ Ogulin od 7000 m2. Također nudimo i građevinski teren za stambenu i društvenu izgradnju u blizini Rijeke, te već gotove dvosobne i trosobne stanove u Općini Viškovo, pored Rijeke.
Country: Croatia
Organization Type: Company
Organization Size: 1-10
Founding Year: 1997
Email: tanja_saric@hotmail.com
City: Kastav 51215,Krajevac 21 Google map
Real estate - building land
We offer lots (5000 m2) for building warehouse-selling hall and production hall with building permits in manufacturing zone in City of Kastav, Croatia.
Also, a building land (7000 m2) in manufacturing zone in Ogulin, Croatia.
Products from steel, stainless steel and aluminum
various steel structures, marquees, wrought iron and stainless steel fences, handrails, catchment grid, out waste basket, various carriers, windows and sliding doors made of aluminum, etz.